Image via TKO Newiboys Official/YouTube
Rappers, like rock stars, are known for pushing past boundaries and playing outside the lines of society. But one Australian rapper has drawn not only the ire of local Karens but also the police for a music video featuring cars and motorcycles ripping burnouts, doing donuts, and even popping wheelies on what appear to be public streets.
One police department in the US is rolling hard with a Rolls-Royce Ghost.
In Australia war has been declared by authorities on such lawless behavior. Some think police have gone too far in its enforcement, while others believe the full court press approach is necessary to keep the peace.
How you view that argument will color what you think of TKO’s music video. While the beginning of the music video has text on the bottom claiming all stunts were performed by professionals on closed roads, not everyone is buying that claim, reports 9 News Adelaide.
Apparently, police have opened an investigation to see fi the roads where all those tricks were filmed were in fact closed. We’re sure they’ll get to the bottom of that, 9 News claims to have already concluded the streets weren’t shut down, but what we’re not sure is if TKO faces some sort of legal consequences he’ll be hurt by that.
Let’s face it: rappers love street cred. One of the ultimate ways to gain that is to get in trouble with the law. They’re all about sticking it to the man and selling themselves as martyrs for the cause of doing whatever you want, so his fans will certainly take his side.
In fact, we bet he gets more fans the bigger deal authorities make of this situation. But Australian police are hyper-focused on compliance, so they won’t get it.
We’re not advocating for TKO’s behavior in the least. We don’t like the street takeover culture born in America and love to see police putting the smack down on those events. But we do think you can have too much of a good thing. Is that what’s going on with this situation? We’re unsure, but it’s an interesting story.
Image via TKO Newiboys Official/YouTube
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