Image via MN Crime/YouTube
Back in July 2023 news leaked that Minnesota Vikings rookie wide receiver Jordan Addison had been pulled over for going 140 mph on the highway. This sparked some outrage, especially after it was revealed that he gave an outrageous excuse and reportedly spent zero time in jail.
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Footage of that traffic stop has finally been released and it has some interesting details. First of all, the pursuing officer can’t identify the make and model of the crossover Addison is driving. That’s interesting since we thought everyone knows a Lamborghini Urus when they see one, they look so unique.
Addison didn’t pull onto the right shoulder like most people would after getting stopped by police. Instead, he pulls into the left lane and stops there. That seems risky to us since someone else, possibly an impaired driver, could slam into either vehicle at speed.
The officer orders him out of the vehicle at gunpoint and Addison complies. Some of the audio is redacted, but we get that he says his sister called about something with his dog and that’s apparently why he was speeding.
Police decide to move the Lambo after detaining Addison in the backseat of a squad car. But they can’t figure out how to get the Urus started, let alone put it in gear and drive. Before anyone mocks them, we bet most people would be similarly mystified.
From our understanding of the law in Minnesota, it seems what Addison was doing could fall under the “extreme speed” classification in the state. He was travelling well in excess of 100 mph, according to police, but like everyone else the guy enjoys the assumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law.
Ultimately, Addison was charged with two charges: speeding and reckless driving. He pled guilty in court and the reckless driving charge was dismissed, probably through a deal his attorney whipped up. The speeding was dropped to a petty misdemeanor.
Image via MN Crime/YouTube