Image via Cop Watch/YouTube
So many kids these days, and a fair number of adults for that matter, think they can post whatever to social media without any repercussions. One of our favorite things is when someone repeatedly breaks the law, brags about it on their social accounts, then acts completely shocked when cops suddenly bust them.
Watch Georgia troopers run over a fleeing meth trafficker on a Suzuki Hayabusa.
That’s what happened to this teenage social media influencer who uploaded video after video of him fleeing police on roads in the Albuquerque, New Mexico area. He must’ve thought cops could never catch his Dodge Charger.
But Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office is crafty and started studying the kid’s social media accounts not only for evidence of his crimes, but also to determine where they could easily bust him in public.
They realized he liked going to a specific car wash to spoil his Mopar muscle car. It was the perfect place to spring a trap and bring the kid to justice since it had narrow passages deputies could clog as choke points, trapping their quarry.
Swarming the car wash with multiple units, they did just that. Of course the kid who boasted about running from cops online still tried getting away, probably believing he was invincible. But Deputies blocked him in nice and cozy, holding the guy at gunpoint.
Suddenly the boastful social media influencer wasn’t so tough. Handcuffed, sitting on a deputy’s tailgate, he probably started to realize the cops knew everything. It’s funny how these kids don’t think law enforcement can go on TikTok or Instagram.
Since he’s 19, the kid got hit with big boy, adult charges. He got to watch his beloved Charger get impounded. Just wait until he learns how fast those impound fees stack up.
Unsurprisingly, he told deputies he doesn’t know his social security number. We bet he doesn’t know a lot, but he’s going to start learning.
Image via Cop Watch/YouTube
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