Image via diddlysquat.farmshop/Instagram
Jeremy Clarkson of The Grand Tour and Top Gear fame loves fast cars, but he recently ran into a problem with his Lamborghini Revuelto which stopped him from driving it. This comes after the man admitted that his age and stage of his body is keeping him from enjoying many of the vehicles he’s loved throughout his life, thanks in part to the difficult ergonomics associated with using them.
This is why Jeremy Clarkson says modern cars suck.
However, this time it wasn’t the acrobatic requirements of entry and egress from his Lamborghini which stopped him from driving off into the sunset behind the wheel. Instead, it was literally a force of nature: frost.
That’s right, the great Jeremy Clarkson was kept from enjoying his Italian supercar because the weather in Oxfordshire, England was a little bit nippy. Laugh if you must, but we think it was wise of him to acknowledge the cold weather might result in the vehicle going into “an actual spin.”
We’ve seen far too many owners of performance vehicles fail to understand the rubber compound in their tires becomes rock hard in cooler temperatures. That means the tires lose their grip, essentially putting the car on ice skates. Some even crash because of their naivety.
But Clarkson is smart and has plenty of experience driving performance vehicles in a whole range of temperatures and conditions, as thoroughly documented in his many TV appearances. So the man wisely chose to keep his Revuelto parked.
This isn’t the first time Clarkson has struggled to use his own Lamborghini. He hilariously had problems getting into his Huracan, as documented in a recent Instagram video posted to his Diddly Squat Farm Shop account.
Then there are the many times he’s struggled with his Lambo tractor on his show Clarkson’s Farm. Yet the man praises not only his tractor but also his supercars from the raging Italian bull.
We wonder, with footage of him driving his Lamborghini Revuelto while wearing reading glasses, how much longer he will actually be spending time behind the wheel of that and some of his other high-powered rides. It’s a sad thought and reminder that this life is to be cherished before it’s over, and that means enjoying your hobby cars before it’s too late.
Image via diddlysquat.farmshop/Instagram
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