Image via PoliceActivity/YouTube
Police make traffic stops all the time. Most go smoothly, although cops know things can get crazy in a hurry. That’s especially true when they try stopping a stolen vehicle like this GMC Sierra. A Broward County deputy found out quickly the suspect driver wasn’t going to give up easily, hitting multiple vehicles in an attempt to get away.
Road rager shot in a tense confrontation.
At first the chase seems like just any other police pursuit. Sure, the stolen truck blasts through a red light, but there’s no close calls or anything else crazy. But as the suspect encounters more traffic, plus road construction, he makes desperate choices which lead to serious consequences.
Running up on slow traffic, the suspect veers onto the left shoulder, narrowly missing a flatbed truck. However, he messes up the front passenger-side tire as he crashes through road construction barriers, the strafes right, narrowly missing other cars.
The first collision involves a white Mercedes Sprinter which didn’t get out the way of the pickup as it barreled down the left shoulder towards it. Not skipping a beat, the suspect sideswipes three more vehicles waiting to turn left before cutting to the front of the line, barely sticking the turn while accelerating hard.
In his panicked effort to get away, the driver had no time to react as a box truck pulled right in front of the speeding GMC. After a hard hit by the pickup, the commercial truck falls flat on its side.
That collision sends the stolen vehicle out of control, off the road, over a turn lane, and into piles of dirt. That stops the chase, but the GMC is obviously totaled with damage down the passenger side, the hood buckled, and more.
Plus, five vehicles were damaged in the chase. All of this happens in under two minutes, once again showing how quickly situations can go from normal to completely crazy for police.
Image via PoliceActivity/YouTube