Texas Teen Accused Of Causing Fatal Semi-Truck Crash

Estimated read time 2 min read

An 18-year-old teenager in South Texas has been accused to causing a horrific semi-truck crash that left the driver dead. Images of the 18-wheeler embedded into a house in Mission, Texas has been seared into locals’ minds, but now that details of how the fatal accident unfolded are coming out, people are even more shocked.

Watch a Camaro cut off a semi-truck.

When we first saw the aftermath of this crash and heard a teenager is being blamed for it, we wondered if he shot the truck driver or was riding in the cab and grabbed the wheel. Or maybe that he threw something heavy off an overpass and it went through the windshield.

But none of those have been cited as the cause. Instead, the kid was driving a Fiat when he crashed into the side of the semi, causing it to veer off the road and into the house.

That is truly unbelievable. We would think a Fiat hitting a commercial truck would end poorly for the driver of the little car, not the driver of the semi. But truth is often stranger than fiction and this situation certainly qualifies.

Now that teenager has been charged with criminal negligent homicide, so this wasn’t just a case of him losing control of the car and accidentally triggering a crash. But details in a CBS Texas report on the incident are lacking, probably because the prosecution is building a case.

We’re left to wonder if this was a case of road rage. That would make sense and with road rage being such a problem these days. We constantly see fatal cases and it’s a constant reminder of how out of control some drivers are.

But CBS 4 News Rio Grande Valley uncovered from court documents that the teen didn’t have a valid driver’s license and allegedly made an unsafe lane change, triggering the crash. He allegedly told investigators he was late to work.

More details will probably come out later, but this is a sad, crazy story.

Image via CBS Texas/YouTube

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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