You might not be able to play basketball like Air Jordan, but for the right price you can drive like the NBA superstar. That’s right, the 1996 Mercedes-Benz S600 Lorinser which was famously driven by Michael Jordan during the heyday of his career with the Chicago Bulls is fresh on the market and could be parked in your garage if you can pony up the wad of cash being asked for it.
Kanye’s Mercedes CLK 500 is also on the market.
Many consider Jordan to be the greatest NBA player of all time, and that’s understandable considering he captured six championships during his 15 seasons in the league. With such an illustrious career and the riches which came along, the man could afford any whip he could have ever wanted. So it’s telling he settled on this S600 Lorinser.

Even today, the Mercedes-Benz has quite the classic look with its clean bodylines draped perfectly with metallic navy blue. The gray interior similarly looks timeless and like the exterior is in fantastic shape. Jordan obviously cared deeply for this ride and it has been taken care of fabulously since. Plus, whomever pops out for this gets to sit where one of the greatest athletes in modern history sat many times before.

Adding to the perk of owning this ride is the growing V12 engine which provides quite the punch at the press of the accelerator. Tight, responsive handling coupled with excellent suspension damping perfectly characterizes the balance between performance and comfort achieved in this luxury ride.

As you might have suspected, what some are calling the ultimate Michael Jordan collector item won’t come cheap. For a cool $135,000 you get the car, a title signed by Michael and his then-wife Juanita, and the ultimate bragging rights to make your friends, family, and neighbors seethe with jealous or beam with elation, depending.
If you’re interested in purchasing this celebrity-owned car, it’s being offered through Beverly Hills Car Club.