Image via 12 News/YouTube
South Mountain Speedway in Phoenix, Arizona is in danger of being demolished after decades of serving the racing community. With so many racetracks being sold and shut down across the country, we hate to see another go the way of the dodo, especially since this particular track is unique, serving a special purpose for the community.
A BMW driver in Switzerland was fined $110,000 for tailgating.
Instead of the land at the base of South Mountain in Phoenix potentially being sold to build luxury condos or something else, which is often what happens to race tracks these days, the city is considering demolishing South Mountain Speedway to restore the land to its natural state.
While we love nature, the track has helped many kids hone their racing skills, with some of them rising to higher levels of competition. The small oval track allows youth to race their homebuilt cars and learn how motorsports work, but those lessons might have to be learned elsewhere.
According to the city, the facility is in need of $1 million in repairs. If those aren’t performed, it would be demolished and the track would be nothing but a footnote in history, like so many others.
We see this sort of thing happening over and over lately. It’s easy to get down about the situation, but some tracks have been saved. Perhaps this one will, especially if people do what they can to support it.
The track does currently reside in a nature preserve, South Mountain Park. But the facility was present before the preserve was established, so it’s been allowed to exist where nothing else of its kind would be allowed.
However, there are those who want to see it gone as an intrusion on the serenity of nature.
Established back in the 1940s, the track has faced closure many times but has squeaked out a victory repeatedly. The question now is whether or not it can survive once more or if this is the swan song.
Supposedly, the city would help the organization that runs South Mountain Speedway find a new place to establish a new track. We’ll believe that when it actually happens.
Image via 12 News/YouTube
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