After getting confirmation from a plate reader that the registration on a truck was suspended, a police officer tried contacting the woman sitting in the driver’s seat. Had she been compliant and there were no other issues, there would have been a fine and that’s about it. Instead, she decides to assault the officer after acting like a phone call she was making was far more important. Big mistake.
See what happened when one of the top cops in the state was pulled over for speeding.
There seems to be a growing attitude among some members of our society that if they don’t “feel safe” during a traffic stop they can be completely defiant towards police. Where this comes from is certainly open for debate, but it’s not enshrined in the US Constitution or any states’ laws we’re aware of. Yet that’s the immediate excuse this woman throws out.
After police break her window and drag her out of the truck, this lady immediately starts trying to guilt the cops, asking if they have a mother, sister, etc. Somehow the implication is that if they do (and who doesn’t have a mother?) they should let her do whatever she wants. That logical leap is enough to clear the Grand Canyon.
The police don’t take any guff from this woman, not entertaining her victim parade in the slightest. That’s the thing with these tactics: as people use them ad nauseum, everyone else starts becoming immune, if not absolutely allergic, to them. However, we’re guessing she’s been able to use these types of guilt tactics successfully in the past and so looks absolutely confused and shocked it doesn’t work with the cops.
It’s almost like she isn’t in control of the traffic stop. Life is so unfair!
She continues arguing all the way through getting processed. We also find out she’s been arrested before and has active warrants. What a shock.
We’re not attorneys so this isn’t legal advice, but we tell everyone to just be courteous to police when they pull you over. Ignoring them, arguing, acting sarcastic, etc. only puts police on edge and they have good reason to be on their toes while doing a traffic stop. As more Karens lay into them like this a lot of officers just don’t play around anymore and we don’t blame them.
Image via YouTube
No wonder that lady was so upset! Active warrant would make anyone nervous. Too bad those officers got hurt. Cops have amazing patience!