Image via Michael Schumacher/Facebook
Just when we thought we’d seen some really scummy stuff, news breaks that a former member of the Michael Schumacher security detail has been blackmailing the family. After the Schumacher’s have been through so much with the former Formula One driver suffering life-altering injuries while skiing with his son at the end of 2013, someone who was hired to protect them and their privacy has instead exploited that trust.
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Prosecutors in Germany allege 53-year-old Markus Fritsche, a former member of the Schumacher security team, stole 1,500 photographs and 200 videos from the family. Instead of turning around and selling those for big bucks, he allegedly tried blackmailing the Schumachers for 15 million euros, reports ESPN.
As you probably already know, Schumacher hasn’t been seen publicly since the accident. There’s been much speculation about that move and just what state the famous F1 champion is in these days.
But it’s obvious the family wants to preserve privacy. So stealing photos and videos, threatening to go public with them unless given a large sum of money probably felt like a good plan. Also, it’s reported Fritsche found out in advance he was going to be fired. So we guess revenge is also a good motive.
Fritsche and two other people who were allegedly involved in this plot to shake Michael Schumacher’s family down for cash are on trial right now. One of those suspects is Fritsche’s son, who is reportedly some kind of computer expert.
That would explain how Fritsche was able to take the images and videos using four USB drives. However, the anonymous blackmailer called and emailed to make demands, but police were apparently able to track the phone number. Oops.
Image via Michael Schumacher/Facebook