Image via WhistlinDiesel/YouTube
A lot has been said about the capabilities of the new Tesla Cybertruck. Some claims have been made by Elon Musk, others by owners, and then there are of course those made by the throngs of fanboys. It’s hard to sort out fact from fiction about the non-traditional, all-electric truck. That’s why this real-life torture test seems so fascinating.
Cybertruck driver dies after crashing in Texas.
After all, talk is cheap but action is gold and the video of a Cybertruck being put through absolutely tortuous durability tests alongside a Ford F-150 is more than just interesting. While it’s not a scientific set of trials, the footage is better than just hearing people yammer on about how Elon’s new pickup is going to replace all others in some short period of time.
Putting a Ford F-150 through the paces along with the Cybertruck just makes sense. After all, it’s one of the most popular pickups in America and because of that Musk has talked a lot of trash about it. The man obviously feels his triangle truck is superior in every way – but is it really?
That’s why car YouTuber WhistlinDiesel ordered one, finally taking delivery so he could make a video about it. You might have already watched it, millions have, but we’ve included it just in case you haven’t or you want to re-watch it.
We won’t bore you with details from the video, but we will give you our take on what everyone is arguing about. First off, to be completely fair they should’ve tested a higher trim of the F-150 considering how expensive and loaded the Cybertrucks are. Just the difference with the air ride suspension is hardly a one-to-one comparison.
Second, the review really was made for entertainment purposes, like everything WhistlinDiesel does, so anyone who thinks the results are conclusive needs to get a reality check. And that apparently includes some automotive publications who think this proves Elon’s truck is bogus.
Third, we don’t recommend testing trucks this way. Ever. For any reason. Again, this is more for entertainment than anything productive, like back when Top Gear was good, only that was far more entertaining. Although the frame damage on the Tesla is concerning. And so is the fact exterior components just rip off with little effort.
Ultimately, we doubt this video is going to affect Cybertruck sales one way or another. Maybe a few people will base their purchasing decision off it, but they’ll be few and far between. Everyone else will either laugh at it or get angry, depending on their truck persuasion, and that’s probably exactly what WhistlinDiesel was gunning for anyway.
Image via WhistlinDiesel/YouTube
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