Police Say Woman “Did Not Want To Deal” With Being Pulled Over, Ran Instead

Estimated read time 3 min read

A woman driving a Lexus RX350 through Kaysville, Utah refused to pull over for police because she apparently “did not want to deal” with officers at the time. This was after she allegedly almost caused an accident, giving police a good reason to perform a traffic stop. Instead, what followed was quite the police chase through several cities.

Truck driver intentionally runs over Utah cop.

Dashcam footage from Kaysville Police Department, obtained by local news station KSL, shows everything unfold. While the woman signals right, she fails to spot a car next to her crossover, cutting it off. Fortunately, the other driver sees the danger and brakes, avoiding a collision.

It’s a minor thing but is enough for the officer to pull her over. Initially, she pulls over into a business’ parking lot, rolls down her window, and speaks with the officer. But you can see her brake lights are active, indicating she still has the Lexus in drive.

Predictably, she just drives off and the chase begins. Like we’ve seen from so many suspects, she just flows through red lights and stop signs to try getting away. But let’s face it, an aging RX350 is a granny car, not some hot performance vehicle.

Still, this woman pushes it, taking her flight to the interstate as more cops join in. They’re able to box the crossover in and bring it to a stop, but those brake lights are still illuminated, so you know what that means.

Even though police have her at gunpoint, she takes off again just as an officer tries putting Stop Sticks in front of her tires. Too bad they didn’t just drop some Tire Terminators down right after making the stop.

Then she gets off the interstate and goes all the way to the landfill, we guess not knowing the road she takes. Because she’s just doing things and not thinking. Brilliant.

As she’s leaving the landfill, a Utah Highway Patrol unit uses his push bar to smack the Lexus good and hard, but it’s not enough to stop the chase. But police down the road have their Stop Sticks ready and successfully hit her tires repeatedly. That kind of a barrage of Stop Sticks we don’t think we’ve ever seen before.

Skating around on her wheels’ rims, the woman can’t get the Lexus going and that’s when a UHP unit does a low-speed PIT, ending the chase. But the drama isn’t over as she refuses to get out of the luxury crossover and police have to pepper ball her, then arrest her.

It turns out the woman who just didn’t want to deal with police had multiple arrest warrants, reports KSL. That’s one of the big reasons we’ve seen for people fleeing. But in an affidavit, police say the woman told her she ran from the traffic stop because “she did not want to deal with it.” We bet she didn’t.

Image via KSL News/YouTube

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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