Image via Hot Pursuits/YouTube
Arkansas State Police is known for its high-speed pursuits and PIT maneuvers, taking down fleeing suspects with glee. Despite that reputation, troopers don’t always get their man. They might capture suspects more often than not, but some drivers and motorcycle riders are too skilled and have a machine that’s too fast for ASP to apprehend, like the motorcyclist in this dashcam video.
Watch police rescue a drunk driver from her own car after crashing.
There’s plenty of foreshadowing right from the get-go as the trooper clocks the rider going a blistering 130 mph in a 65 mph zone. When a suspect is already going that fast before a cop starts chasing them, you know they’re going to push the envelope way further.
And that’s what this guy did, accelerating to well north of 140 mph. With slower traffic on the freeway, the rider had to go onto the shoulder and weave between larger, far heavier vehicles at that speed. Had he wrecked out his survival might not have been in the cards.
Some will think this rider has some big cojones for risking his life to avoid a big speeding ticket and probably jail time, not to mention having his bike impounded and all the fees piling up. For those who view him as a hero of sorts, it’s likely they view many government restrictions as egregious with fines and other punishments being extraneous.
Others will see what this rider did as unnecessary, selfish, stupid, reckless, and deplorable. After all, he not only put his life at risk for likely a dumb reason, he did that for everyone else on that stretch of the freeway.
If you think only motorcyclists are in danger when they’re speeding, you’re wrong. We’ve seen bikes crash into cars and kill or seriously hurt people inside a car. Of course, the rider likely suffers the same fate.
But in this chase, the trooper never got even close. By the time he turns around and gives chase, the motorcycle is hopelessly far ahead. Yet he goes on for several minutes at around 140 mph. Was that reckless, unnecessary, and selfish? Did he let his ego rule his actions? Or was he trying to enforce the law and had justification for his actions? Let us know what you think.
Image via Hot Pursuits/YouTube