Pretty much every driver has encountered entitled cyclists who refuse to stick to the bike lane. While encountering some on a two lane road where five guys are riding side by side, making it virtually impossible to get around as they go 15 mph, the situation this woman faces in the included video is far worse.
Motorcyclists: start seeing cars.
We’re not sure where this took place, it’s obviously in a city but not a downtown area. What we do know is there’s a whole mob of cyclists who have taken over all four lanes of travel going both directions.
It’s at night and some have lights, but most don’t. And we don’t see really any helmets. Why there are hundreds of cyclists taking over the road isn’t clear, but they don’t seem to think this lady in her car deserves to be there at all.
Had it been some sanctioned ride we would’ve seen cones indicating the road was shut down to cars and some police controlling traffic at the intersection. Instead, it’s just a lawless scenario where the driver slowly creeps forward, trying to not plow anyone over.
We thought she was exceptionally courteous considering the situation. She yells out her window words like “please” when we’re pretty sure most would hurl some four-letter insults instead.
For all her kindness, she gets lip from the cyclists. It looks like one woman flips her off. Later in the footage, you hear someone hit her car with something, making a loud thump. After all, the cyclists are the victims here as they take over an entire road for some mysterious reason.
The chef’s kiss in this messed up situation is when through the crowd of bikes emerges another car, coming the other way right in front of our camera vehicle. That driver was also fed up with not being able to get through and had to go into the oncoming lanes while the cyclists refused to move over.
What would you have done in this situation?
Driver gets impatient after waiting 4 minutes for these cyclists to pass pic.twitter.com/BQPetiDAG9
— Crime Net (@TRIGGERHAPPYV1) August 15, 2024