Milwaukee Police Release Amazon Van Chase Footage

Estimated read time 2 min read

Back in March of 2023 a man carjacked an Amazon delivery van from an employee, then led police on a wild chase. Just recently, the Milwaukee Police Department released dashcam and bodycam footage of the chase and apprehension of the carjacking suspect, so we just had to share the chaotic goodness.

See a Milwaukee police car get crunched by a reckless driver.

In the footage, which you can watch below, you can see the chase begins on residential streets as the suspect and police blow through stop signs. Once they reach a major road, the suspect starts weaving the Dodge cargo van through traffic and into oncoming lanes, a dangerous maneuver which demonstrates he’s willing to put the safety of others at risk to get away.

Image Via Milwaukee Police

From there the chase hits a freeway and higher speeds as the suspect fakes taking exits. Why so many criminals think that’s going to psych out cops is beyond us because it almost never works unless they’re in a Porsche 911 and an Amazon delivery van is a far cry from that.

Then it’s back to surface streets with close calls, driving into oncoming traffic, and the same old foolishness as before. Why this guy thought a big cargo van was a good getaway vehicle is beyond us but we know a lot of criminal minds are dim, or as the pursuing cop says at one point, “This guy has gotta be whacked!”

When the suspect tries cutting through a gas station he finally gets trapped and officers order him out of the cargo van at gunpoint. Somehow his spur-of-the-moment plan to just steal a vehicle turned out poorly and this is why you shouldn’t do drugs, kids since they inhibit your critical thinking faculties.

In reports about the original incident, it was mentioned the suspect tried to carjack someone else before targeting the Amazon driver. This is why people need to stay aware and keep their doors locked at all times as carjackings become increasingly common.

Source: Milwaukee Police

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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