Image via Hybrid Garage/YouTube
People do strange things with cars, but this YouTuber decides to show off how he tows a car on a trailer using his Toyota Prius. That’s almost as bad as towing a car on a trailer using a Ford Maverick. We wouldn’t recommend either one for obvious reasons.
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The sketchiness in the man’s video detailing his ill-advised stunt starts with the hitch. He uses an activity hitch that’s really made for hauling around bicycles, not hooking up to a trailer and towing a car. Don’t worry, he modifies it with a larger hitch, so it’ll be fine.
At least the guy tells viewers to not try this, stating simply tow rating for a Prius is nothing and the trailer alone weighs 2,000 lbs. By the time he drives his “Monster Prius” – which is a lifted Prius with larger tires on it – onto the trailer, the total weight will be more like 4,500 lbs.
If you don’t wince at least a few times watching these guys load up the one Prius onto the trailer, then tow it with another, well you probably don’t care about these hybrid hatchbacks. You might even laugh while thinking about how this guy is probably destroying his transmission and maybe doing other big damage.
Yet we somehow think the YouTuber doesn’t really care. His friend says something about going through a lot of these hybrid cars, and we know you can get a used Prius cheap these days, so for a shot at a few thousand views on YouTube as well as the fun of doing stupid things, we guess trashing yet another one is no big deal.
But we just have to clarify one thing: don’t exceed the tow rating on any vehicle. There’s a reason they exist and if you have a car that isn’t set up to tow at all, you should just stick to putting organic fruit and almond milk in the back.
Image via Hybrid Garage/YouTube