Land Rover Gets Pitted Into An Innocent Family

Estimated read time 2 min read

Rarely do we see Land Rovers running from police here in the US. But when we do, it’s almost always a Range Rover, so when we say this chase involving Arkansas State Police includes an LR2, our interest was automatically piqued.

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After all, we don’t see too many LR2s on the road these days. It seems they were quite popular back in the day, promising the prestige of the Land Rover brand but for a more affordable price and easier to handle maintenance costs.

Those considerations seem to be far away from the mind of the driver when caught by an Arkansas trooper exceeding the speed limit. Instead of just pulling over, the driver decides to take the trooper for a little ride and things go sideways from there.

At first the Land Rover driver signals like he’s going to pull off at the next exit and just take the ticket. But he keeps going, slowly, with heavy traffic probably keeping him from really dropping the hammer, at least as much as the LR2 can do that.

Eventually he does exit the highway, but the keeps the right turn signal flashing. Then he gets back onto the highway, but still doesn’t go fast at all. Eventually, the trooper performs a PIT on the SUV, but that’s when things go crazy.

Spun around, the suspect decides to just go for it, only he’s headed the wrong way. Maybe he thought working against traffic would give him the edge, so he presses the advantage. Now the danger of the situation has escalated dramatically, so the trooper needs to do something before there’s a head-on crash.

She makes a move, pitting the Land Rover again. The only problem is it skids right into a family in another vehicle. While it’s not a head-on crash at speed, it’s still not great.

Watch the dashcam footage and let us know if you think the trooper did the best she could in a bad situation or if she should’ve done something differently to avoid the disastrous conclusion.

Image via LRHNCash/YouTube

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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