Justin Timberlake Has Been Arrested And Charged With DWI

Estimated read time 2 min read

Music superstar Justin Timberlake has reportedly been arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated in Sag Harbor, New York. The news has shocked many since it’s not often you see a celebrity of his caliber caught allegedly driving drunk.

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The incident in question happened just after midnight on June 18 when police observed him driving in what they thought was a suspicious way.  He was behind the wheel of his BMW at the time, allegedly swerving around, and blowing through a stop sign, said Ramin Setoodeh, New York Bureau Chief for Variety while appearing on CNN.

Image via CNN/YouTube
Image via CNN/YouTube

When police pulled Timberlake over, the police report states he told officers he only consumed a single martini that night and was following his friends home. He reportedly refused to participate in a breathalyzer test three separate times, which has raised some eyebrows.

Ultimately, Timberlake was released from custody without bail. We don’t know why since the guy obviously has plenty of cash to bond out of jail.

The bigger question is how will this DWI charge and whatever outcome follows affect Timberlake’s public reputation? That of course remains to be seen. Some will want him burned at the stake, metaphorically, thanks to strong emotions regarding driving under the influence.

Some of his fans might have lost loved ones to drunk drivers in the past or know someone who has, so that might change how they view the singer.

We expect some of his fans and even people who are neutral on him to not think the incident is a big deal. After all, certain members of society believe police trump DWI charges up and that breathalyzers are some sort of trap.

Overall, we doubt this will have a positive impact for Justin Timberlake. But it does serve as a nice reminder that if you’re going out and plan to drink, just take an Uber or have a designated driver.

Images via CNN/YouTube

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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