Image via jaylenosgarage/Instagram
Comedian and gearhead Jay Leno had nothing but positive praise for Los Angeles Fire Department in a recent interview. Amidst the wildfires and high winds in the City of Angels, the celebrity said they’re the best fire department in the world considering the difficult and downright deadly conditions they’re managing.
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Leno isn’t just talking, either. The comedian has been to the base of operations, helped serve meals, and has even donated resources to the firefighting effort. He likened the firefighting base of operations at the Rose Bowl to Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan when it was under US military control while being interviewed on TMZ Live.
The man called the operations a “well organized military complex” saying it runs like a well-ordered machine.
He also gave a shout out to the National Guard for coming to help bring order in a time of chaos. The comedian even praised the prisoners who are working to fight the fires, risking their own lives.
“These guys can eat,” Leno said, referring to how much food he’s paid for and helped serve up to firefighters. Like he does, the comedian made a joke about firemen coming back in line for more food right after they got some, which we don’t doubt really happened. After all, fighting fires burns a lot of calories.
As documented by NBCLA, Leno not only served up food and cracked jokes at the Rose Bowl, he took pictures with firefighters, helping to boost morale as the tackle conditions the comedian describes as “hell.”
We have to respect any celebrity who doesn’t just sit in the comfort of their mansion, or their friend’s mansion because theirs burned down, and makes a few posts on social media or does an interview on a news station, but also rolls up his sleeves and literally serves those who are on the front lines.
Image via jaylenosgarage/Instagram
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