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If you don’t know what a “promposal” is you’re better off for it. Basically, kids these days hatch elaborate plans to ask someone out to the prom dance and film it all to post on social media. Like any disease, this phenomenon has spread through TikTok to the point kids are now doing absolutely stupid, dangerous stuff. One student in Chandler, Arizona decided to take things even further, almost killing another student, and school officials allegedly knew about the plan in advance.
Kiwi steals a truck but returns it with an apology and presents.
The idea was for this student to blow through a stop sign at school, get pulled over by the school resource officer, then ask his girlfriend out to prom. And yes, he was going to do this all in what apparently is his own Porsche crossover. That right there should tell you a little something about how this kid has been raised.

While we don’t necessarily expect some spoiled, rich teenager to understand that speeding through the parking lot at school and blowing through a stop sign is a really bad idea, we do expect that adults upon learning about this plan would put an end to it immediately. Instead, local station 12 News says the principal of the school and the resource officer knew about it and didn’t tell the student no.
When we were kids adults would tell us and our peers no on a number of things. For some reason we can’t entirely explain ourselves, plenty of adults have become squishes these days, erroneously believing that telling kids no on just about anything is tantamount to abuse. It really makes life unpleasant when you’re one of the few parents who actually has standards instead of enabling stupid teenage behavior.
In this case, the teenager speeding in the Porsche slammed into another student on a motorcycle, injuring him. As the other teenager’s attorney points out, this little stunt easily could’ve been fatal. Why didn’t the adults who knew about this hairbrained plot point that out and quash it form the get-go? Was it because they wanted to get in good with this student’s obviously rich daddy?
We don’t know but it looks like answers are coming now that the school district is being sued for $1,000,000. The principal claims he didn’t know about this whole scheme.
Can we kill this whole “promposal” trend once and for all? It’s become like the gender reveal party ridiculousness where everyone tries so hard to outdo what’s already been done they end up pushing the envelope in stupid, dangerous ways. Whatever happened to flowers and quoting poetry? Now we’re faking getting pulled over by the police?