With car theft, including carjackings, so rampant these days it was only a matter of time before someone stole a roadside assistance truck. After all, criminals have been swiping cop cars, ambulances, and firetrucks left and right lately. This is why when people act like since they don’t drive a nice car nobody will take it we just laugh. Someone would just because they can.
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This incident with the roadside assistance truck went down in Maryland just outside of Washington, D.C. on the evening of February 18. News choppers followed police as they chased down the thief, only to struggle with bringing the heavy-duty truck to a stop.
While vehicles like this aren’t super fast, they’re heavy and can take a real beating. That leaves police with few choices when they need to stop someone fleeing in one. Sure, they can keep up but they’re pretty helpless when it comes to stopping any forward progress.
This suspect reportedly hit at least 20 cars, probably more, some of them civilian and others from the police department. At one point he played chicken with a cop while driving the wrong way, the officer pulling to the side at the last moment as the truck bashed in the side of the cruiser.
Even after officers were able to take out the tires on the truck, the suspect kept going until he tried turning around in a wooded area off the road and couldn’t gain traction. Instead of just giving up, the guy stayed in the truck with the doors locked.
Police brough the situation to an end by breaking the windows and literally dragging the guy out. The identity of the suspect wasn’t released and police have said absolutely nothing about motive. For all we know the guy took the roadside assistance truck because he could.
Image via YouTube
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