Guy Discovers A Plane Abandoned In A Tree

Estimated read time 2 min read

People sometimes leave the darndest things out in the wilderness, like burned out cars, refrigerators, or a nuclear warhead from a Broken Arrow incident. A YouTuber recently documented his discovery of an entire airplane just left in a tree in the middle of a South Carolina forest. How random.

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The YouTuber, Mobile Instinct, originally found the airplane not randomly on some hike but instead using Google Earth, of all things. He noticed the airplane in satellite images just sitting there in the middle of the woods and decided to go to the undisclosed remote area to check it out.

The fuselage is lodged tightly between two forks off the tree’s main trunk, hoisted maybe twenty or so feet into the air. While some think it crash landed in the tree, it’s obvious the wings would’ve been sheered off in the process.

Instead, we believe the plane crashed or landed in the forest a while ago. Then it was left there for whatever reason, maybe in what was a clearing back then. But as lush areas go, the trees grew quickly and before long, that airplane was stuck high above the forest floor.

Whatever happened, we don’t see airplanes in trees every other day. It’s a bizarre sight, like something out of a movie.

Mobile Instinct finds there’s a cleared trail running underneath the tree where the plane is suspended, so it’s likely at least some people know about its existence, although they understandably want to keep its location secret.

He follows that trail and find it leads to some sort of off-road recreation area. That surely has nothing to do with the airplane, just like the guy explaining how he got two flat tires on his way to the secret forest location.

Image via Mobile Instinct/YouTube

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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  1. 2

    Look up the tail number printed on the wing. It crashed in Mexico in the 1950″s. Looks like it was put there on purpose. Easy to check last ownership.

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