A lot of enthusiasts learned to love cars because of father and son projects, although most weren’t building a racing simulator out of a C3 Corvette together. In fact, your own experience might have started out with holding a flashlight or handing over tools. But this video documenting a father and son using a junked out 1980 Corvette to build a dream is inspiring and touching.
See another father who loves his son very much.
First of all, this doesn’t come from some huge YouTube channel with hundreds of thousands of subscribers. At the time we’re writing this, Rob Gunter has just 410 subscribers. The production elements of the video aren’t professional, but what it lacks in polish it more than makes up for in heart.
And that’s the thing, far too much of the automotive landscape on YouTube has become soulless. Sure, the editing is slick, the audio is great, and it’s “entertaining” but the content itself is empty. That’s why this video is so refreshing. Really, all YouTube videos should be this wholesome.
This unique project started with a dad trying to find some incentive for his son to finish is Eagle Scout award. Digging into his son’s brain, he found out the kid was really wanting a “sim pod” but the dad had no idea what that even was.
Instead of just giving up and remarking how kids these days don’t get anything, this father asked questions and pretty soon starting learning about the trend. While the two were talking about building one, they got the brilliant idea to use an actual car to make a sim pod.
Like a kid would, the son wanted to use a Lamborghini Countach, not realizing just how pricey they are. With a dose of reality, he agreed the C3 Corvette was more practical since they’re more common, so finding a donor would be easier and far cheaper.
To complete this project, the two had to go through a lot of steps together, from finding a donor body to sourcing other parts, cutting down the ‘Vette, some fabrication work, putting together the simulator computer, installing the sound system, etc. It was definitely a time for bonding as the two worked to reach a common goal.
Seeing a father and son bonding over this sort of thing just warms the heart. It seems like automotive projects were more common back in the day as fathers and sons toiled together to make something cool. We know they still happen, just they seem more of a rarity. We hope we’re wrong about that.
Check out the video if you haven’t already, it’s a good one.
Image via Rod Gunter/YouTube