A trunk or treat event at a Clinton Township, Michigan cemetery has proven controversial with quite a few members of the community. Among the myriad of complaints is the accusation the gathering, which has been advertised to include classic cars, is disrespectful since it would be held on “sacred ground.”
Priest’s crucifix stops carjacker’s bullet.
Some of those complaining have loved ones at rest in Cadillac Memorial Gardens East and they feel that holding a trunk or treat event in the parking lot is the wrong move. But what really got people worked up was the announcement that the event would include classic rides.

We admittedly don’t understand why having classic vehicles in attendance is the final straw, but we also don’t ask for the manager when a fast food worker uses “the wrong tone” when talking to us.
Comments on the cemetery’s Facebook page have been both supportive and negative, although posts about the trunk or treat have been ratioed. Among our favorite are people saying they’re “sickened” and that holding the trunk or treat there is “degenerate behavior.” One man even went so far as to say, “Anyone supporting this, your parents failed raising you!”
A very angry woman interviewed by a local reporter said she hoped nobody would show up at the event so they don’t hold it again. She also said there are hundreds of other trunk or treat gatherings in the county. We can’t confirm if that was hyperbole or if she was being literal, but we can say she was hopping mad during the parts to the phone interview broadcast on the news.
Obviously, not everyone was angry about the event and Facebook reactions aren’t a scientific sampling of community sentiment. Some people even commented that their loved ones would be overjoyed to see children laughing and having fun in the parking lot of their final resting place. But we imagine there are probably some Karen ghosts who felt otherwise, expressing just as much outrage as some of the living.