Image via effspot/YouTube
We’ve been fans of car YouTuber effspot for years, but his coverage of the Los Angeles wildfires has been especially impressive. We already shared two of his videos showing some of the chaos and destruction in California, and those have earned him quite a few new fans. But his latest video pulls back the curtains on the whole firefighting response and shows an angle we’re not seeing anywhere else.
See effspot’s other Los Angeles wildfire videos here.
The video opens with a familiar scene: effspot drives up into the hills to watch yet another wildfire descent down the sides of the mountains towards canyon communities and the valley below. However, this time around he shows how firefighter aircraft, including some Chinook helicopters, successfully doused the flames, stopping the fire’s progression.
After that impressive act, he drives around showing how law enforcement, the national guard, and others are preparing in case yet another community has to evacuate. With looters moving in and taking advantage of the situation, authorities are stepping up their patrols and control of the situation.
However, what follows is even more impressive as effspot heads to Malibu, the part that hasn’t become a scorched wasteland, to check out a staging area for firefighters and others. He’s surprised to see firetrucks from around the country as crews have poured in to help with what’s being called the worst fire in California’s history.
He also travels to the Santa Anita horse track where people are bringing in donations for victims of the fire. Throngs of volunteers were organizing mountains of supplies, all because they want to help those who lost it all.
With the fires consuming over 40,000 acres of land, more than 12,000 structures, and with at least 24 confirmed dead, it’s easy to focus on the tragedy of the situation. But to see people pulling together, despite their different points of view on a myriad of issues, and instead seeing there’s a need, combining their efforts to help complete strangers, that’s the real story of the Los Angeles wildfires we think everyone needs to see.
We hope everyone takes the time to watch effspot’s latest video and feel some hope about a tragic situation.
Image via effspot/YouTube