California Police Department Switches To All Teslas

Estimated read time 2 min read

There’s been plenty of talk about Tesla police cars for the past few years and even a few used here and there in different law enforcement agencies. However, the city of South Pasadena, California has become the first in the nation to convert its entire fleet to strictly Teslas. As you might expect, the decision has been met by a mixed reaction and it remains to be seen how it turns out in the long run.

The police Cybertruck is real and ridiculous.

You’ll note the Teslas in the department’s fleet not only wear the traditional black and white, they’re also outfitted with roof lights, push bars, spotlights, and other traditional police cruiser equipment. All that comes courtesy of Upfit Tesla.

What some aren’t realizing about this move is South Pasadena is in a somewhat unique position. The city of about 25,000 people is spread out over just 3.44 square miles, according to the municipal government, so these Teslas won’t have to drive far on regular patrol or even responding to calls.

That’s a far cry from other city police departments, let alone county law enforcement agencies, which must cover far larger geographical areas.  

According to South Pasadena Police, the switch was made to Teslas and not other EVs because of a desire to give officers “the safest and most capable vehicle for the job” as well as the “lowest cost of ownership, and zero-emissions (sic).”

Everyone can and already is debating the veracity of those claims, but it seems brass at the police department and city believe all those superlatives are accurate, at least for now. As the Teslas get mileage and wear on them, we’ll see how this decision ages.

Undoubtedly, other law enforcement agencies are looking at South Pasadena Police Department’s move with curiosity, wondering how things will play out. That might determine if more jump fully on the Tesla or EV bandwagon or if this will just be a footnote in the history law enforcement vehicles.

Image via South Pasadena Police Department/Facebook

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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