Arkansas Trooper Gets Smoked By Stunt Motorcycle Riders

Estimated read time 2 min read

While Arkansas State Police are legendary for taking down fleeing suspects effectively, troopers don’t always get their man. It takes a truly skilled, or maybe an exceptionally lucky, suspect to ditch a member of ASP’s ranks. But in this video we have two guys on motorcycles who make a fool out of a pursuing trooper.

A YouTuber has been banned for performing a dangerous stunt during a livestream.

Originally, the trooper observed the riders performing stunts like wheelies on the highway and so followed until they got off onto surface streets. When he catches up and orders the riders to pull over, both look back at the cruiser and seem rather unfazed. One slows down as the other speeds up and the chase begins.

You’ll note the stunt pegs on the bikes as well as the one guy wearing a “Stunt News” shirt. That right there should’ve tipped off the trooper about what he was about to face. Maybe he knew and went for it anyway. If so, that’s brave but maybe a little dumb, too.

Round and round the one rider goes, cutting tight corners so he starts to get a lead on the trooper. With enough of a cushion, he hits it on a nice straight road and pulls away, gapping his pursuer with ease.

We don’t see ASP get dusted like this often, so it’s really something to behold. This guy is good at riding. Still, the trooper doesn’t give up easily, essentially chasing a ghost for a few minutes before realizing his efforts were futile.

The one question we have is what happened to the second guy? He dropped back and disappeared from the dashcam video, so we assume he took off as well just in case backup appeared and tried taking him in as well.

Image via Hot Pursuits/YouTube

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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