Fleeing Motorcyclist With Sunglasses On At Night Can’t Ride

Estimated read time 2 min read

We used to think the only people who wore sunglasses at night were celebrities and drug addicts. Apparently, you can add to the list guys who don’t know how to ride their motorcycle but still run from Arkansas State Police. This motorcyclist goes on quite the chase with troopers, the whole time wearing his shades and riding his bike like a small child unsure if daddy is going to let go of the seat.

This is why you shouldn’t text and drive.

Why people don’t sign up for professional instruction is beyond us. Maybe they had someone they know teach them how to twist the throttle and work through the gears, mistakenly believing that’s all there is to riding. Or maybe they’re to cheap to pay for lessons.

But the fact is not learning how to ride your motorcycle properly can cost you big time. Crashing not only is painful, it can result in big medical bills. Somehow, this guy avoids wrecking out big time, probably in part because he goes slow for a chase and avoids any real risks, other than running from ASP.

For someone who seems so cautious, it’s interesting he chose to run. The guy is scared to lean into turns and he constantly is looking back to see if troopers are behind him, but he wears sunglasses in the dark, doesn’t have a helmet, and isn’t wearing any other kind of protective gear.

Thanks to his poor riding skills and obvious discomfort on the motorcycle, he can’t get away from his original pursuer. Other troopers join in and they’re able to box the suspect in, forcing him off the road. He tries riding through the landscape but that doesn’t work out so great.

After apprehending this amateur rider, one of the troopers says to another one that he doesn’t think the guy knows how to ride his motorcycle. Talk about stating the obvious. And yet the guy still tried to run.

Image via Police Pursuits/YouTube

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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