Junker Flotilla Gets Busted By Florida Cops

Estimated read time 2 min read

We still contend the weirdest overall behavior in the US is a tossup between Florida and California. While there are plenty of homeless encampments on beaches and elsewhere in the Golden State, as you’ll see in this bodycam footage from Florida Fish & Wildlife Officers, there are junker flotillas hidden in the waters of the Sunshine State.

Watch a random boat on the interstate cause chaos.

How people live like this is an absolute mystery to us. But this man and women have a whole fleet of smaller watercraft lashed together and hidden in the mangroves behind Coconut Mallory’s Resort in the Cow Key Channel area.

The main ship is a houseboat and it proudly displays a sign that reads “Please Do Not Feed The Raccoons.” We’re pretty sure that was swiped from somewhere and the man and woman who live on the vessel think it’s funny. But the ironic thing is we’re pretty sure even raccoons wouldn’t live in the squalor officers find onboard.

It doesn’t take long for the officers to ascertain the houseboat is in fact derelict. It doesn’t run and so has no means of propulsion, leading us to wonder how it even got to the secluded location? It’s amazing the effort people will put into things like that, but ask them to clean their living space and practice basic hygiene and somehow that’s beyond the pale.

It’s illegal to have a derelict ship on the water in Florida, so that would explain why it and the other vessels are all cleverly hidden away. Again, the work that had to go into doing that could’ve been applied to more productive activities.

We’re not fans of heavy-handed government regulations, but when you see the state of the boat it makes sense why it has to be hauled out of the water. The thing is like a floating biohazard. All it would take is one good storm and all that filth would be in the ocean and we want to puke just thinking about it.

Some people have opinions about how the officers handled this situation, especially the female officer. Tell us if you think they could’ve done better or differently or if you think they did just fine considering.  

Image via Donny Rapture/YouTube

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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