Fleeing Mustang Driver Thinks He’s Vin Diesel

Estimated read time 2 min read

We swear some guys watch Fast and Furious or some other action movie and suddenly believe they can just outrun the cops if they want to badly enough. The thing is, just like with this suspect driving a stolen Mustang in Miami, Florida, they usually lack any real skill so the proposition ends poorly.

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There’s a big gap between those CGI-heavy stunts you see Vin Diesel pulling on the big screen and the gritty reality we all live in. With Florida Highway Patrol hot on his tail, this suspect seems to think he’s living in a fantasy world.

Our camera car catches up quickly enough, tailing the silver pony car on the highway. The guy pulls a basic move, getting onto the right shoulder to pass traffic, nothing too crazy. But it does show the suspect thinks he’s got some moves and the cops just can’t catch him.

As he transitions to an off-ramp, we keep waiting for him to tug on the steering wheel and cut across the gore point at the last minute in an attempt to fake out the trooper. But he doesn’t. Instead, the goes through the big sweeping turn like an amateur.

Coming out of the turn, our suspicions have been confirmed: this isn’t a Mustang GT with a burbling V8 but instead is a neutered version of the muscle car. It’s no wonder Mr. Wanna-Be Vin Diesel can’t just roast the trooper, he’s completely outgunned.

Perhaps realizing that’s the case, the suspect makes one last desperate attempt to ditch his tail and escape with the stolen pony. He blasts through a red light at a busy intersection, angling to miss the cross traffic.

The guy actually pulls it off, but he doesn’t notice the slow-moving car in his lane on the other side of the intersection. Swerving to miss the other vehicle while going high speeds, he wrecks into the other ride and earns himself those silver bracelets along with three square meals a day.

Image via Pursuit 101/YouTube

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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