Image via WBNS 10TV/YouTube
From what we recall from back before we got our license, the driving test wasn’t really all that hard. Not everyone shares that opinion and it shows on public roads. But this woman in Argentina didn’t just fail her driving test, she bombed out so badly that firefighters had to rescue her.
Watch an SUV get rear ended right into the path of a train.
That’s right, she crashed while on a closed driving course, not a public road with traffic, pedestrians, and other distractions. If a person can’t maneuver through one of these closed courses, how exactly do they expect to manage driving on busy streets?
The video footage of the driving test starts out with the woman in a little compact hatchback barely making a roundabout turn. That should be a breeze in a ride like that, but she doesn’t keep the steering wheel cranked.
Things go downhill from there. She curbs the wheels a few times, which sadly is common for some drivers. It’s clear the 63-year-old doesn’t know the dimensions of the car at all.
But she keeps going and with each wheel curbing she seems to drive faster. We’re guessing at that point she was getting pretty frazzled. Perhaps the instructor should’ve stopped the test right there. In hindsight that would’ve been a good idea. But nobody could’ve guessed what was going to happen next.
After blowing through the stop sign and missing a turn, the woman drives over a grassy island. That definitely should’ve been the end of the test and an automatic failure, if the other things like not even hesitating at a stop sign hadn’t.
Once the woman steered off the grass, she did the thing so many panicking drivers sadly do and confused the accelerator and brake pedals. When people do that, once the car speeds away uncontrollably, they press on the accelerator harder in an effort to stop it, which is ironic.
And that’s how the little hatchback crashes nose-first into a light pole, flipping the little vehicle onto its side. This woman didn’t just fail the driving test, she bombed out in the most epic way possible.
We just wonder if she dared get behind the wheel after or just resigned herself to bumming rides off people. For the safety of everyone, the latter option is probably the best.
Image via WBNS 10TV/YouTube