Watch A Wild Turkey Attack A Trooper

Estimated read time 2 min read

Hilarious dashcam footage shows a Wisconsin State Patrol trooper struggling to get a wild turkey out of the middle of a road in Grand Chute. However, the bird doesn’t want to comply with the trooper’s orders, instead turning the tables on him.

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For city dwellers who’ve only encountered turkey in their sandwich or in the Thanksgiving spread, the fact the trooper struggles with the wild bird might seem absolutely perplexing. But for those who have experience with turkeys, they know how aggressive and persistent they can be.

At first, the trooper tries just driving his cruiser at the turkey, but the thing won’t just scamper away, abandoning the road. Instead, the turkey waltzes up to the cruiser, ignoring a vehicle coming the opposite direction, and starts to attack.

That’s when the trooper tries driving forward and flipping around in the road. The turkey continues its assault, so the trooper flips on his sirens to scare it, but to no avail. “He has no fear,” the trooper radios to dispatch.

Tell us something we don’t know.

Turkeys are aggressive predators which will eat just about anything they’re capable of swallowing. We know a lot of uninformed people think they just eat seeds and are peaceful creatures, but turkeys would in fact eat humans if they could.

This one seems to think the trooper’s cruiser is a challenge, continuing to peck at it as violently as possible. You can hear dispatch as the trooper if he needs backup. Perhaps they were mocking him at that point? Laughter is heard over the radio, maybe from dispatch or from other troopers.

How do you deal with a wild turkey full of murderous rage? The trooper eventually gets out of the safety of his cruiser, facing the dangerous beast on his own, but that still doesn’t scare it off.

Finally, another Wisonsin State Patrol unit appears on the scene and the turkey goes straight for it. We’re guessing the birdbrain doesn’t like cops much. They eventually chase the turkey on foot, driving it away from the road so it hopefully won’t return.

Image via Fox6 News Milwaukee/YouTube

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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