A puppet show production that’s been touring the United States has been derailed in San Francisco after someone stole the 26-foot U-Haul truck hauling the handmade puppets, props, and costumes used in performances. Somehow this is not shocking in the least.
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The Bay Area is well-known as a hotspot for all kinds of property crimes, especially smash-and-grab robberies and car thefts. We doubt the thieves had any idea what was inside the U-Haul and probably was hoping it would be some poor sap’s entire earthly possessions that hopefully included plenty of electronics.
After wrapping up four nights of performances in San Francisco, the crew packed up the moving truck with all 500 handmade puppets and the other unique items, all of which were lost. The U-Haul was parked overnight outside a motel on Van Ness Avenue when it disappeared, reports NBC Bay Area.
A surveillance camera caught the theft, which happened at about 2:30 am on October 22. Two men are seen in the footage. The 26-foot U-Haul truck has an Arizona license plate AJ59419.
All the puppets, props, and costumes were being used to perform “Song of the North” a Persian love story that’s a thousand years old. We can’t imagine those items would have much value to anyone other than the performers. Since they’re unique, it’s likely the thieves will just dispose of everything so they can’t be tied to the crime.
With car theft rates only continuing to climb nationwide, not to mention how common they are in San Francisco and other parts of the Bay Area, any vehicle left sitting overnight or even for a few hours during the daytime can easily be targeted. Now it seems the upcoming performances of “Song of the North” in the Seattle area might be canceled.
Image via Bengi Su Yildiz