Images via bethennyfrankel/Instagram
Being a celebrity in the day and age of social media sure is interesting. While there are plenty of people who want to essentially pry into the lives of the rich and famous, they’ll also be quick to criticize for any perceived misdeed. Reality TV star Bethenny Frankel recently fell victim to this after showing off her new Ford Bronco Heritage on Instagram.
Someone gold plated a Tesla Cybertruck.
In the now infamous post, Frankel poses in three images of her wearing a baby blue dress. For two of the photos, she’s posing next to the Bronco Heritage which sort of matches the hue of her outfit.
That’s not a huge deal, but originally the post read “When you buy a car to match your outfit…” In other words, she was joking that she bought the dress first, then purchased the pricey off-roader strictly because the color matched.
We understand it was a joke, but some people either didn’t or didn’t care one bit. Some Instagram users were angry with the celebrity, pointing out that a lot of people are struggling financially at the moment and she’s flaunting her wealth.
While she obviously was, we see the same sort of thing on other celebrities’ accounts and there doesn’t seem to be the same level of backlash. Perhaps it has something to do with many wishing they could own a new Ford Bronco, especially a Heritage, but can’t even begin to afford one?
With people fuming, Frankel went back and edited the caption on her Instagram post, changing it to read simply “Baby blues…” Perhaps she realized the joke didn’t land so well with the humorless audience.
What some obviously don’t know is Frankel is a big Bronco fan and a bit of gearhead herself. She did a brief video tour of her Hamptons house garage, showing off her beautifully restored first-gen Bronco and G-Wagon.
Images via bethennyfrankel/Instagram