Images via WTHI-TV/YouTube
It’s strange enough that someone would drive their truck while naked, but to then assault another man and his girlfriend just pushes things way up the bizarre scale. This story of what seems to be a random violent crime out of Indiana would be more hilarious had the Corvette driver narrowly escaped serious injury or death.
An explosive Ram truck police chase ends surprisingly.
Surveillance footage at the victim’s house shows the attack on him was deliberate. WTHI-TV’s report uploaded to YouTube shows it all go down, with the nudity blurred out, but YouTube has age restricted the video.
In that report, the Corvette driver says he and his girlfriend had just pulled into their driveway after a night at the casino when he noticed a guy in a pickup pull up to the driveway skirt. That was unusual, so to be safe the victim transferred his handgun to this front pocket while getting out of the sports car to investigate.
From there, everything happens in a blur. The victim said the naked man in his truck “let out some sort of battle cry” before flooring it, aiming the vehicle right at him. Fortunately, the victim was able to jump out of the way as the pickup slammed into his sports car, almost pinning him between the two. The likelihood he would’ve been killed is pretty high.
We would consider this to be attempted murder. The force of impact pushed the Corvette several feet across the driveway, so the truck was traveling at a good clip.
As for the victim, he did suffer a broken shin in the melee, but honestly was fortunate it wasn’t so much worse. The guy had the presence of mind to pull out his gun and empty it on his attacker. Deadly force warrants and in-kind response.
While it’s likely the aggressor was suffering a mental health episode, the fact he attacked some people at random, almost killing a guy, is plenty disturbing. This just proves you have to always be ready for something like this, a sad reality most don’t want to consider.
Images via WTHI-TV/YouTube