Man Makes His Car Repo Far Worse

Estimated read time 2 min read

Car repos are always interesting to watch. While some people quietly accept the situation, likely acknowledging to themselves they created it, others try attacking the repo man who’s just doing his job. Then there’s this guy in Brooklyn, New York who not only attacked the repo man taking the truck he wasn’t paying on, he stole the tow truck with the pickup attached to the boom, then hit a bunch of other cars.

This car repo is complete chaos.

Talk about taking a problem and multiplying it several times. If you’re already in bad enough financial shape to not keep up on your truck payments, we don’t think adding theft and damaging several other vehicles to the mix is going to turn out well.

In all honesty, the debtor did start off not by attacking the repo man or stealing the tow truck but instead with him demanding “his” truck be dropped and detached from the boom, reports PIX11 News. When that didn’t work, he turned to the nuclear option.

The guy likely wasn’t thinking at that point, going into his lizard brain and attacking what he perceived as a threat. Thing is the repo guy wasn’t really the threat, but a lot of people get that confused because that’s the person taking the vehicle they think is theirs when it really belongs to the bank.

As the guy drives away in the stolen tow truck, the pickup on the boom hits all the vehicles parked on the side of the crowded Brooklyn block. It looks like he probably tried driving the truck off the boom before and that’s why it didn’t stay in line with the tow truck.

Ultimately, the truck came off the boom and the suspect just kept driving the stolen tow truck, finally ditching it before taking off on foot. The thing is police knew who he was and obviously the guy wasn’t thinking straight. He turned a truck repo into criminal charges and far more in restitution fines.

Image via PIX11 News/YouTube

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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