Guys Modify A Van Into A Questionable Helicopter

Estimated read time 2 min read

A pair of brothers got in serious trouble after they modified their janky van into an even jankier helicopter. As you can see from the image of their creation, it looks like a horrific death trap.

This is almost as bad of an idea as off-roading a Polaris Slingshot.

The brothers, who live in India, modified the Suzuki Wagon R over a period of several weeks, reports The Telegraph. Considering the quality of work and the sheer idiotic nature of the design, that’s entirely believable.

Like a lot of guys, these two undoubtedly love to tinker and are thinking big. But instead of bringing their dreams back down to earth like a helicopter falling out of the sky, they did one of the most gloriously ridiculous things we’ve seen in a while.  

The big helicopter-ish tail on the rear, complete with rotor, as well as the comically small rotor on roof assembly seem to be made of scrap metal. We bet the guys didn’t even design this in CAD but instead just eyeballed things based on an old Airwolf episode that was playing on TV.

Actually, the brothers claim this very bad idea came from YouTube, which is second only to TikTok for horrible ideas currently. They say there’s some sort of trend where YouTubers turn their cars into helicopters. We only found one other example and it looks much better.

According to the report, the brothers were plotting to rent out this contraption, we guess as a novelty. We can’t tell if they thought it would potentially fly. But we also know someone likely would believe that, because of course.

Perhaps that’s why police stepped in and seized the helicopter van, fining the brothers 2,000 rupees for illegal modifications. If only someone would do the same here in the states to the stance bros and people who make plywood front splitters.

Image via The Telegraph

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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