A man in Florida has been accused of purposely running over a deer for a video he then allegedly posted to TikTok. It’s yet another example of the lengths to which people will go to gain internet fame, a sad reality with which we all must deal.
This Dodge Charger driver took a breakup way too hard, getting arrested ultimately.
We’re not sure how the guy “ran over” a deer considering in our experience deer will often jump at the last second before a vehicle hits them, which is why they so often go through windshields and sometimes seriously injure or kill drivers. We don’t know if the video is still on TikTok and won’t go searching for it, so we guess that’s what happened.
At least that’s what Business Insider says is printed in court documents, so that’s the accusation against 27-year-old Clay Neil Kinney. Kinney has been charged with animal torture plus driving with a suspended license. So basically this guy is super responsible and stuff.
Apparently, Kinney has gotten in trouble multiple times in the past for doing illegal things relating to deer. If that’s true, this guy has some real problems. Just intentionally running over a deer or any animal, then posting the video on TikTok is disgusting.
But what’s equally disturbing is that TikTok seems to not have a big problem with content like that, or at least it doesn’t take these types of videos down immediately. We’re not saying people don’t post animal cruelty videos to other social media platforms – we don’t look for that garbage so we don’t know. But nobody should be rewarded with likes and attention for doing that sort of thing.
It’s one thing to accidentally hit a deer or any animal with your car. It’s something else entirely to purposely run one over. We don’t know the details of Kinney’s case, but if what he’s been accused of doing is true, he should be facing some sort of consequence and maybe some mental health counseling.
Image via Steve
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