Couple Getting Frisky In Range Rover Roll It Into A River

Estimated read time 2 min read

We’ve seen all kinds of scenarios for cars ending up underwater, but an incident in Philadelphia involving a 2020 Range Rover might be the first one where a couple getting frisky with each other was the cause.

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This is the kind of story you’d see in a movie or maybe a TV sitcom, only this happened in real life. According to NBC Philadelphia, the luxury SUV ended up at the bottom of the Schuylkill River in Fairmount Park at around 4:30 am back on August 28.  

Police say the couple was able to get out of the Range Rover before it crashed into the water. They were unharmed. But the vehicle is no doubt a complete loss, with electronics  and such completely ruined after being submerged.

Can you imagine explaining what happened to the insurance company? How do you even begin to lay out the events leading up to putting the transmission in gear? Does the insurance company want all the intimate details?

Surely a hotel room is far cheaper than what this insurance claim will end up costing the owner of the Range Rover. And we wonder who had to foot the bill for fishing the vehicle out of the river? Was it taxpayers, the vehicle owner, or the insurance company?

Aerial footage of that effort taken by CBS Philadelphia showed some rescuers were on a boat in the water, helping to hook a cable from a heavy duty tow truck on the shore to the Range Rover. Then the SUV was dragged to the shore and hoisted out of the water.

The whole thing was a sad scene as a perfectly good vehicle was ruined all because of a couple’s pre-dawn romp in the park. Let this be a lesson to everyone else: stay away from the gearshift when engaging in any in-vehicle activities.

Image via CBS Philadelphia/YouTube

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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