Instead of rolling hard in a Mercedes-Benz, McLaren, or Jaguar, San Francisco 49ers starting quarterback Brock Purdy has shocked many by maintaining a single, rather humble ride. For those who know anything about his private life, this is nothing surprising in the least. After all, the man is famous for his overall frugality to the point he likely makes Dave Ramsey proud.
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In an interview with NBC’s Today back in the fall of 2023, Purdy spilled the beans. The man is apparently roommates with one of the offensive linemen on the 49ers (have you seen how expensive San Francisco real estate is?) but declined to say which one. That and he’s still rocking a Toyota Sequoia he apparently had before beginning his illustrious NFL career.
That news was a breath of fresh air for those who are tired of professional athletes living like there’s no tomorrow. While we love seeing all the cool toys different players accumulate, some admittedly are so foolish with their hard-flowing cash that they’re virtually penniless not too long after their athletic career ends.
Quarterbacks tend to be the big thinkers on a team, a fact we know angers some, but Purdy is hardly the first to play a financially prudent game. We would be willing to bet that Sequoia is far from new, maybe even is his mom’s old grocery getter, and yet he’s not ashamed to roll around town in it.

Purdy’s fans are for the most part delighted about this revelation concerning his private life. They say it proves he’s a humble man with his priorities straight. That could be. What we can confirm is he got engaged back in early July 2023 and so perhaps he’s saving up for a future family.
Here’s to hoping things don’t play out for Purdy like Kanye’s hit song Gold Digger: “I know somebody payin’ child support for one of his kids, His baby momma car and crib is bigger than he is, You will see him on TV any given Sunday, Win the Super Bowl and drive off in a Hyundai.”
Images via Instagram
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