Brazilian Couple Beats Down Carjackers

Estimated read time 2 min read

Brazil has struggled with a pervasive carjacking problem for some time but it seems some people there have had more than enough. That’s a good explanation for why a man and woman put the hurt on a couple of carjackers who thought they would take a new car by force.

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The would-be carjackers rode up on a motorcycle late one night in the southeastern city of Uberlandia, doing a U-turn to park in front of he car as a couple emerges from their house and starts getting inside.

That’s when the robbers produce a handgun and order the couple to the back of the car. But the male victim realizes the gun is a fake and that’s when things take a sudden turn.

First, the man chases one carjacker out into the street, hitting and kicking the guy who flails around like a ragdoll. After seeing his buddy get a literal smackdown, the other robber jumps on the motorcycle. Before he can get the thing going, the man runs over and donkey kicks him to the ground, knocking the bike over.

From there the man goes back and forth between the two guys, beating them down while the girlfriend helps keep them from running away. It’s obvious the couple is furious they were held at fake gunpoint and could’ve lost their car, so we don’t blame them for taking out their frustration on the would-be carjackers.

The local police weren’t amused, telling citizens they shouldn’t fight robbers even if they believe the aggressors aren’t armed. However, a lot of people find the video funny and think the carjacker duo got exactly what they deserved.

Image via SteveInmanUIC/X

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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