Remembering the tale of Elon Musk crashing his uninsured, $1 million McLaren F1 while attempting to showcase...
Shawn Henry
Shawn Henry is an accomplished automotive journalist with a genuine passion for cars and a talent for storytelling. His expertise encompasses a broad spectrum of the automotive world, including classic cars, cutting-edge technology, and industry trends. Shawn's writing is characterized by a deep understanding of automotive engineering and design.
Jungle Pam Hardy, alongside racer Jungle Jim Liberman, revolutionized Funny Car drag racing with her charisma and...
Shaquille O'Neal faces unique challenges in indulging his passion for luxury sports cars due to his size,...
A Lexus LFA, damaged in a single-car incident, faces a repair bill of up to $500,000 but...
The iconic De Tomaso Pantera, an Italian supercar with a Ford engine, famously became the target of...
Shaquille O’Neal loves his muscle cars. Over the summer, Shaq acquired one of our favorite cars, a...
John Cena's car collection boasts a blend of American muscle classics and modern marvels, from the COPO...
In Wisconsin, a man was sentenced for hiding a 'Dukes of Hazzard' General Lee replica and a...
A wild police chase in Georgia involving a stolen 75,000-pound frontloader ended with an employee using another...
Hennessey's TRX MAMMOTH 1000 battles Tesla's Cybertruck, showcasing a thrilling clash between supercharged power and EV.
Metropolitan Police recover Ferrari stolen from F1's Gerhard Berger 28 years ago, highlighting international cooperation and enduring...
Austin’s airport parking lots have become hotspots for car theft, with thieves particularly targeting vehicles for their...
Divers in Miami-Dade discover eerie underwater graveyard with over 30 vehicles, potentially solving crimes and unveiling a...
From humble origins to intergalactic fame, Chris Pratt’s journey through Hollywood is as diverse as his acting...