Parking Your Car On A Hotel Balcony Looks Silly

Estimated read time 3 min read

We get people love their car and all, we certainly do, but parking your ride on your hotel balcony seems a little much. But that’s exactly what some guests at the B’Mine Hotel in Frankfurt are doing and they’re paying big bucks for the privilege. We just think it’s silly, excessive, and gimmicky, but not everyone is going to agree with that assessment.

Watch this guy detail exotic supercars on the side of the road.

To start off, we do see the appeal. After all, you as a guest drive up, check in, get your key card, then you drive up to one of two car elevators. Scanning your key card, the elevator then takes you to the appropriate level and you pull out onto your hotel room’s balcony.

That means you don’t have to walk through hallways, carrying luggage while getting exercise and possibly having to greet strangers. Plus, and this is a much bigger selling point, your vehicle isn’t left unattended in the parking lot.

If you own a rather expensive ride, or one you just baby like crazy, there’s no risk of someone dinging your doors, scratching the paint, or even worse stealing it. There’s a sense of security for your ride.

Plus, if you just love staring at your car instead of the Frankfurt skyline, you get that view every time you look out of your window.

But some of us like to go out on our hotel balcony and just relax in the fresh air. Having your car in the way seems frustratingly unnecessary. After all, you’d have to climb around it, worrying about spilling something on it if you’re enjoying a drink outside.

Even more fundamental, and we know this might come as a surprise to some, but we actually don’t want our vacation and whole life to revolve around our car. Crazy concept, we know, but even as big gearheads we like to have some balance, especially when we’re relaxing away from work and everyday responsibilities.

Most times when we’re staying in a hotel, unless it’s close to where we live, if we do have a vehicle it’s a rental. And honestly we don’t want to be staring as some rental, even one that’s pretty amazing, instead of enjoying our view of the city or surrounding nature.

And don’t even get us started on the exhaust fumes which would be lingering on the balcony, seeping through the door into your hotel room – no thanks!

Ultimately, parking your car on your hotel balcony is a weird idea we think won’t go beyond novelty status for the few willing to pay for the experience.

Image via b’mine hotels/YouTube

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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