Door Dinger Gets A Taste Of Karma

Estimated read time 2 min read

Door dingers are some of the worst people. It’s especially bad when you have a car you baby and specifically park away from everyone else, but someone in their hooptie parks next to you and slams their crappy door on your otherwise pristine body panel. If you’ve ever suffered from this outrageous behavior, this video of a door dinger getting her comeuppance might make you feel a little better.

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The incident in question happened in a grocery store parking lot, likely somewhere in the Midwest but we’re not sure exactly where. That doesn’t really matter since door dingers can strike anywhere at any time.

Thankfully, the owner of the accosted car saw what happened and called police. We get the bodycam footage from one officer when he comes on the scene and boy does it go sideways in a hurry.

From the first moment the cop walks up, the door dinger lady is ready to fight. We don’t know if she was having a really bad day, was suffering a psychotic break, maybe was a little intoxicated, or is just in general an unpleasant person. But she was like a little badger ready to fight anyone, uniformed or not.

She goes from telling the officer he can’t touch her and rolling up her window to jumping out of the car and trying to fight the police because they supposedly touched her mommy, whose car she’s sitting inside.

The lady gets so out of control, police finally cuff her as she laughs like a funhouse clown. It’s bizarre and really makes us wonder. Is this the mental state of people who ding car doors? If so, it would make so much sense.

Honestly, nothing in this footage really makes sense to us. Maybe to a mental health professional it would. We have no idea how cops put up with this kind of thing day in and day out.

Image via Midwest Safety/YouTube

Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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